
We the alumni and former students of Samuel Ford Dennis High School, living in the United States of America and Liberia, joined to continued our support for better Education in the Republic of Liberia. In so doing, we have undertaken the project to rebuild our former high school, namely, Samford Dennis High School, which was destroyed during the Liberian Civil War.
As former students, we believe that everyone benefits from Education once it is made available to all men. Therefore, one of our goal as alumni, is to design and deliver programs, services, activities and publications about the school to all. To my colleague alumni, it is true that every important things in life do not last forever but your relationship with your Alma Mater is one of the best thing one can ever have. In unity, there is strength and together we can, shall and will rebuild SFDHS again. Thanks. Please visit or contact us at: www.sfdaaa.org